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Pads, Inks & Accessories

No rubber stamp is complete without a stamp pad or ink. 

Here you will find a selection of replacement ink pads, traditional stamp pads, inks, and accessories, for all your stamping needs.

Replacement Pads for Self-Inking Stamps

Replacement Pads for Self-Inking Stamps
Huge range of replacement pads for COLOP and Trodat self-inking stamps.

Rubber Stamp Pads

Rubber Stamp Pads

From small and compact to extra-large - we have stamp pads to fit every rubber stamp.

REINER Pads, Cartridges & Accessories

REINER Pads, Cartridges & Accessories

Everything you need for your REINER handheld stamps and inkjet printers.

Inks & Stamp Accessories

Inks & Stamp Accessories

Special inks and accessories for a wide variety of applications.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Don't worry, we have more items available in our warehouse, simply call us on 01262 602 222 or e-mail us with your requirements and we’ll help you find the stamp you need!

© by Get Set Stamps - Greenstik Materials Ltd