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School Stampers

Educate, Motivate, & Reward!

Whether you're a schoolteacher looking for ways to encourage your students to achieve their targets, a parent homeschooling your child, or you have a toddler who needs motivation to eat their greens, school stampers are a fun, cost effective way of doing just that.

With a selection of standard and custom designs, you're sure to find something that can be used in books and reward charts which will appeal to your children to spark their enthusiasm and boost their confidence.

Stock School Stampers

Stock School Stampers

A top quality, economic and fun way for teachers and teaching assistants to motivate students.

Custom School Stampers

Custom School Stampers

Add your own message to our fun designs to reward and encourage children.

Custom School Subject Stamps

Custom School Subject Stamps

Customised school subject stamps - leave your own personalised words of encouragement for your students.

Animal Stampers

Animal Stampers

Fluffy little critters in the form of custom rubber stamps - what's not to love!

Emoji Stamps

Emoji Stamps

Why limit the use of emojis to the virtual world? Bring your letters, cards, and notes to life and let your friends and colleagues know how you feel.

FREE Reward Charts!

Free to download reward chartsFree to download reward charts

Whether you're trying to encourage good behaviour at home, or teaching children the value of money by motivating them to earn their own pocket money, reward charts are a great way to track progress and maintain focus.

Our FREE TO DOWNLOAD reward charts are designed to be used in line with our motivational stamps and work great with our COLOP school stampers, emoji stamps, and animal stampers.

Simply download the chart, print it out onto A4 paper, then add your child's details, list of chores or targets, and decide on the reward.

Click the links below to download your charts today!

© by Get Set Stamps - Greenstik Materials Ltd