Stamps for the NHS
Posted on 30th January 2019 by Get Set Stamps.

A typical working day in a hospital includes rushing up and down the halls, dealing with patients, and referring patients to other departments and hospitals. During the course of the day you touch multiple items, from doors to rubber stamps and everything in between. Rubber stamps are used on a regular basis in the medical realm, and various medical practitioners handle these items frequently each day. Due to the nature of the practice, doctors, nurses, and other professionals within the department may not get time to sanitise the stamps before using them. This can lead to the spread of bacteria from one person to another during this process. Rather than ignore this fact or spend lots of cash in buying extra hand sanitisers or medical gloves, it is time to opt for a service that will save time and money.
Antibacterial stamps
Falling sick is inevitable, espeically when working in such a setting. This is because doctors and nurses come into contact with bacteria every second they are at work. A small gadget like a stamp can spread germs fast. When this happens, it is possible that the amount of sick leave granted increases, putting greater strain on departments that are already overworked and under staffed.
With antibacterial rubber stamps, you can significanly reduce such cases of unexpected illnesses. Better yet, you can also cut the cycle of transferring diseases from one patient to another; thus, allowing them to heal faster and avoid any further health complications.
These stamps do not require us to sanitise our hand before handling them since they come already infused with Microban technology which works by interrupting the life cycle of microbes and bacteria, this in turn stops them from multiplying and incresing in number.
This antibacterial protection is applied to the stamps during the production stage, which means that even if a sick person handles them during the manufacturing process, you have little chance of falling sick as the substance will have started working even before you receive the stamp. What makes these stamps the ideal choice for the NHS is the fact that Microban does not wear off; regardless of the number of times it is touched, the substance will also not wash off, therefore there is no need for a top-up or re-application of the Microban protection since it lasts the lifetime of the stamp.
Aside from providing stamps which help protect you from bacteria and microbes, you can also get customised services on the stamps. Adding your own name, position, department, contact details and more, COLOP Microban stamps can be used for any number of applications.
Self-inking antibacterial stamps - saving you time
Traditionally, for you to use a rubber stamp, you would also need a separate stamp pad to ink up your stamp. While using this stamp may be convenient for some businesses and craft enthusiasts, it is not so well suited for a setting that has a constant flow of clients, like a busy hospital or surgery. The process of lifting and pressing, and refilling the ink pad will take up a lot of time, a precious commodity that medics cannot afford to waste. Self-inking stamps enable you to save on time, supplied with a built-in ink pad, there is no need to worry about inking up a separate pad. All you have to do is press and go! Self-inking stamps usually give up to 20,000 clear impressions before the ink starts to run out. Once the ink is depleted, simply replace the old pad with a new one - no mess, no fuss!
Pocket stamps - for those on the go
For those who own multiple clinics or who are always on the go, it can be quite an arduous task moving from one station to another with forms, apparatus and personal stationery. This is why COLOP have developed the Microban Pocket Stamp which can fit into pockets, bags and brief cases comfortably. what makes these stamps ideal for the job is the fact that they also have Microban antibacterial protection built in, so even though they are compact stamps, you still get the same level of protection as with a regular sized stamp.
Microban - helping the NHS
The world of medicine and its practices has changed drastically in the past few years. It is becoming more and more essential to find alternative ways of saving the NHS time and money. With the use of COLOP Microban stamps, the NHS can help protect their workforce and reduce the number of staff taking sick leave. While we cannot prevent some of the illnesses that attack us, we can find ways to curb those that are preventable for us to have a more productive working environment, which will allow us to serve patients while we are in the best shape possible.